fibrous rings中文什么意思

发音:   用"fibrous rings"造句
  • fibrous:    adj. 1.含纤维的,纤维状的。 ...
  • ring:    vt. (rang rung ) 1 ...
  • rings:    吊环; 扣环; 林斯
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  1. We studied the microsurgical anatomy of this region concentrating on the third segment ( v3 ) of the va , from which extends the transverse foramen of the axis to the dural penetration by the va , we paid particular attention to the loops , branches , supporting fibrous rings , and surrounding venous structures of the va , as well as the relationship between their anatomical elements and their surrounding structures
    本文研究枕下区域的显微解剖,主要集中在椎动脉的第三段( thethirdsegmentofvertebralartery , v _ 3 ) ,其范围从枢椎横突孔到椎动脉穿入硬膜处,并侧重研究了v _ 3的血管袢、分支、纤维环和周围的静脉结构,以及它们与周围结构的解剖关系。


  1. fibrous reticulum 什么意思
  2. fibrous rhytidome 什么意思
  3. fibrous ring 什么意思
  4. fibrous ring of heart 什么意思
  5. fibrous ring of intervertebral disk 什么意思
  6. fibrous rock 什么意思
  7. fibrous root 什么意思
  8. fibrous root system 什么意思
  9. fibrous root; fiber; fibre 什么意思
  10. fibrous roots 什么意思


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